Stay Tune for to Pre-Register as a Visitor for BeautyExpo & Cosmobeauté Malaysia 2023!

Standard Admission Rules
Beautyexpo & Cosmobeauté Malaysia is strictly open to trade, professional and business visitors by invitation and business card registration only.
Visiting Hours:
27 September – 29 September: 10:00am – 6:00pm.
30 September: 10:00am – 5:00pm.
In registering for or accepting the offer of admittance to the Exhibition, visitors agree that they shall observe and comply with these rules and regulations and with the rules and regulations of the Exhibition Centre.
All questions must be answered completely. The Organiser reserves the right to refuse entry.
No admittance to anyone under the age of 16.
All visitors must be suitably attired. Those in shorts, sleeveless and slippers will not be allowed in the exhibition hall.
For more on admission policy & visitor guidelines, click here.
How To Register
Step 1:
When available, scan the QR code or click the button below for Visitor Registration.
Step 2:
Complete the form with your necessary details and submit.
Step 3:
Upon successful registration, you will receive a confirmation message with your unique QR code via WhatsApp.
Step 4:
Keep your QR code ready in order to print & collect your badge at beautyexpo & Cosmobeaute Malaysia!
*Visitor Badge is valid for all 4 days of the event.